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“Diversion and restorative justice in the United States: Traditional practices and emerging trends.”

Johnson, Robert M.A
June 4, 2015

Source: (2001) Paper presented at the 6th annual conference and general meeting of the International Association of Prosecutors. Sydney, Australia, 2-7 September.

Johnson, a county attorney in Minnesota, focuses on two alternatives to traditional criminal justice practices: diversion and restorative justice. As background, he begins by explaining the structure of the U.S. criminal justice system. Next he explores restorative justice core values and practices in the U.S. This leads to discussion of empirical evidence concerning the impact of restorative justice and emerging trends in restorative justice. Johnson then turns to diversion programs in the U.S. He surveys their history and current practice (the diversion process; and diversion at federal and state levels). He also considers key issues that relate to diversion. In an appendix, Johnson outlines the plan for an adult criminal diversion program in Anoka County, Minnesota.


AbstractCourtsDiversionPolicePrisonsProsecutorsStatutes and Legislation
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