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Family Decision-Making in Youth Justice: The New Zealand model

Maxwell, Gabrielle
June 4, 2015

Source: (1993) In: L. Atkinson and S.-A. Gerull (eds.), National Conference on Juvenile Justice. Conference Proceedings No. 22, Canberra, AUS: Australian Institute of Criminology, pp. 113-126.

This article reviews the goals and objectives New Zealand’s Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act of 1989. Family group conferences (FGCs) and the efforts to evaluate the system are described. FGCs has succeeded in diverting the majority of young offenders from criminal courts and reliance on the use of institutions has been dramatically reduced. Families are encouraged to take responsibility and the process is equally satisfactory for Pakeha as for Maori. Concern is raised about professionals taking over and distorting the process, the lack of information available to families, and the lack of resources and support services.


AbstractConferencesCourtsFamiliesJuvenilePacificPoliceRJ in SchoolsRJ OfficeStatutes and Legislation
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