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Juvenile victim offender mediation in six Oregon counties. Final report

Coates, Robert B
June 4, 2015

Source: (2001) Washington, DC: National Organization for Victim Assistance; and Salem, OR: Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission

The Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission contracted with the National Organization for Victim Assistance to evaluate juvenile victim offender mediation programs in six Oregon counties. This document presents the results of that evaluation. The report contains the following sections: an introduction on the focus and method of the study; general description of the programs, including similarities and variations across programs; participants in victim offender mediation; outcomes (immediate, short term, and long term) for victims, offenders, and communities; and implications for policies, programs, and research in this area. Statistical information, references and resources, and relevant forms complement other information in the report.


AbstractEvaluation/StudyReportRJ and the WorkplaceRJ in SchoolsRJ OfficeSystemTeachers and StudentsVictim Support
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