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Measuring the Comparative Benefits of Imprisonment as a Social Policy Intervention.

Lemgruber, Julita
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) In, Measuring the Impact of Imprisonment: papers from a roundtable held in London on 9 November 2001. London: International Centre for Prison Studies. Kings College. Pp. 23-32.

Julita Lemgruber is a sociologist and researcher into women in prison, and she is well-known in Brazil for her advocacy of alternatives to prison. Based on her experience and work in Brazil, she looks at how prison as a social policy intervention could be measured as compared with other interventions, such as alternative penalties, crime prevention, and social welfare. She also considers the benefit to the public given by a certain level of imprisonment compared with other ways of achieving the same social end. This paper reproduces slides she used to show her main points and relevant statistics.


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