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Systemic Change Toward Restorative Justice: Dakota & Washington Counties in Minnesota

Coates, Robert B
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) St. Paul: Centre for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking

Planned, systemic change can be very difficult in any organization, and correctional systems are often considered to be extremely resistant to substantial change. Against this background, two adjacent counties in Minnesota – Dakota and Washington – have taken steps to adapt restorative justice principles as the basis for their corrections departments. The Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota has been asked to help document this ongoing change process; to identify key change elements, barriers, and resistance to change; to outline the immediate impact as perceived by staff, justice officials, and community members; and to address issues surrounding continuing progress toward the integration of restorative justice policies and practices into these county correctional systems. Based on research interviews conducted by the Center with a variety of individuals in both counties, this document presents a report on these processes of systemic change toward restorative justice.


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