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Contracting Safe Justice- Victims Designing Their Roles in Justice-Making.

Derksen, Wilma
June 4, 2015

Source: (2003) Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference On Restorative Justice. Centre for Restorative Justice. 1-4 June. Vancouver BC. Downloaded 16 June 2003.

Three community agencies with extensive involvement in addressing criminal justice concerns are proposing a unique partnership which will enable victims to design and control their individual role in the justice-making process. It will allow victims to safely contact those who have harmed them, through the development and negotiation of a contract. This approach is intended to address their needs, their concerns and their hopes in a way that is respectful of both the contract holders and the offender.
Victims often express anxiety over unmet needs and concerns about the offender and the offence, especially regarding information which is not otherwise provided by the court process. Through Contracting Safe Justice, it is our expectation that safe, supportive, and respectful opportunities will be provided for victims and offenders to find justice and peace. Author’s abstract


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