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Victim-Offender Dialogue in Violent Cases: The Texas and Ohio Experience. Part One: Restorative Justice Study

Vos, Betty
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) Crime Victims Report 7(6): 81-82, 90-94.

This first in a two-part series on the use of victim-offender dialog (VOD) in cases of violent crime summarizes the major findings from studies of the Texas and Ohio experiences with VOD in cases of violent crimes. Between 1997 and 2001, the Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at the University of Minnesota, in collaboration with the National Organization for Victim Assistance, began a study of VOD in violent and serious crimes. The analysis of the data was completed late in 2002.


AbstractCourtsLimitations of RJStatutes and LegislationSystemViolent
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