Source: (2005) Wellington, New Zealand: Ministry of Justice. Downloaded 28 March 2005.
The Ministry of Justice, in consultation with the Wanganui providers, commissioned this
evaluation of the Wanganui Community-Managed Restorative Justice Programme in 2003.
The programme is funded by central government through the Crime Prevention Unit,
Ministry of Justice. The programme was selected for evaluation because it was considered to
be well managed and effective.
The evaluation objectives were to:
1. describe the programme – its history, the context in which it operates, delivery,
objectives and resources;
2. determine the effectiveness of the programme, in relation to its objectives;
3. contribute to the development of best practice principles for community-managed
restorative justice programmes; and
4. describe the extent to which this programme has contributed to the further
development of the partnership between government and communities.
The extent to which the programme has developed its services to meet the needs of M�ori,
Pacific, and other cultural groups was also to be examined. (excerpt)
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