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Alternative Justice: Testing the Waters.

Point, Steven.
June 4, 2015

Source: (2005) In Wanda D. McCaslin, ed., Justice as Healing: Indigenous Ways. Writings on Community Peacemaking and Restorative Justice from the Native Law Centre. St. Paul, MN: Living Justice Press. Pp. 206-211.

“At its base, restorative justice is a criticism of the current justice system. Whereas the movement to find alternatives to the existing system began within First Nations communities, it has grown to a search for an alternative for all Canadians. It begins with the argument that the current system is not working well: It is too expensive. It is too complex. It is not inclusive. It takes too long to get results. It ignores the needs of victims. It is adversarial in nature. It does not promote harmony or wellness in the offender’s community or family. And it requires specialists to travel in and interpret the inner workings of the system. These are but a few of the complaints levied at the current justice system not only in Canada but also in the United States, Australia, Japan, and many other countries.” (excerpt)


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