Source: (2005) In, Jay Albanese, editor, Current Issues in International Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Milano, Italy: International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Crimial Justice. pp.71-77.
While the criminal justice system focuses on broken laws, who is guilty and how the guilty should be punished, the UN is in the embryonic stages of embracing stages of embracing a restorative justice paradigm that focuses on broken relationships, who is in need and how well being and social harmony may be restored. Restorative justice practices acknowledge who is hurting, why stakeholders are suffering and what harms must be addressed to restore impaired dignity. With accountability, equity and integrity, restorative justice is a justice that heals relationships ravaged by conflict, violence hatred and greed. Finally, restorative justice, and not just justice designed to punish is being recognized as an emerging human right for victims, offenders and the community. The basis of this acknowledgement can be found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (excerpt)
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