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Family Interventions in Domestic Violence.

Hamel, John
June 4, 2015

Source: (2007) New York, USA: Springer Publishing Company.

“The voices in this book join together in a swelling chorus, advocating for a widening scope of research and the implementation of alternative intervention policies. Clearly and unequivocally, these scholars and practitioners assert that finding effective ways to reduce domestic violence in our communities is more important than adhering to what is politically correct. This book is intended for anyone who works with victims or perpetrators of intimate partner abuse, whether primarily court-referred cases or self-referred clients in private practice or agency settings, It also will be relevant to researchers and policymakers interested in evidence-based practice. Its gender-inclusive approach to assessment and intervention represents a significant departure from traditional paradigms, and the combination of theory, research, and policy and practice should serve to cross these essential pillars.” (excerpt)


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