Source: (-0001) Newsletter of the European Forum for Restorative Justice. 8(1) Pp. 2-3.5-6
“In May 2006, a new youth law was passed in Belgium. It still concentrates on the idea of youth protection, but also offers room for restorative justice practices. This becomes clear from the title itself: “Wet betreffende de jeugdbescherming, het ten laste nemen van minderjarigen die een als misdriff omschreven feit hebben gepleegd en het herstel van de door dit feit veroorzaakte schade” (Law concerning youth protection, charging youngsters that committed a crime and restoration of the harm caused by the facts). A circular letter from the Minister of Justice states that restorative practices such as mediation and conferencing have been developed in the field and that they have now been incorporated in legislation. They will be put in practice as from April 1st 2007.” (excerpt)
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