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The Web of Justice. Restorative Justice Has Presented Only Part of the Story.

Gray, Barbara
June 4, 2015

Source: (2006) Wicazo SA Review. 21(1):29-41.

In this paper, we suggest that one can view American Indian justice
historically as a multidimensional web that contains preventative as
well as restorative mechanisms that together function to maintain justice,
at least justice as fairness. Today, implementation of many crime –
reduction programs within Indian country focuses primarily on the restorative
aspects of justice. However, restorative justice, which usually
is set within imposed Eurocentric – driven judicial systems, is only part
of the solution to creating and/or fostering justice within American
Indian communities. The time may have come to rediscover and implement
the preventative mechanism, as well as the restorative, so that the
web of justice can be restored and true healing may take place. (excerpt)


AbstractCourtsIndigenous JusticeNorth America and CaribbeanPoliceRJ in SchoolsStatutes and Legislation
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