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Blessed are the Peacemakers for They Shall be Called the Children of God

Fitzgerald, Thomas
June 4, 2015

Source: (2007) In Emmanuel Clapsis, ed., Violence and Christian Spirituality An Ecumenical Conversation. Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches. Pp. 268-276.

“…This is the peace of Christ which can characterize our life even when we find ourself surrounded by turmoil and confronted with difficulties. It is an inner state of wellbeing which is present even in the face of disappointment, sickness, sorrow or troubles. A particular quality of persons who abide in this kind of peace is a strong yet subtle wholeness of character. While maintaining their personal uniqueness, these persons are not easily swayed with the fickle fads and priorities which sometimes mark the society around us. Under no circumstances do these persons of peace make others of good will feel religiously inferior or spiritually shamed. Rather than projecting to others contrived impressions of religiosity, spirituality or peace, these persons experss a peaceful and loving presence. These persons bear within themselves a kind of wholesomeness which is essential to their being.” (abstract)


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