Source: (2010) Reflexions past, present and future. Restorative Justice Week 2010. Correctional Services of Canada.
Who could have imagined that a vandalism spree involving 2 drunken teenagers in 1974 would lead to the restorative processes of today? The effects are widespread indeed; from restorative programs in the justice system, to family group conferencing, to victim-offender mediation, to anti-bullying in schools. The list goes on and on. And to think it all started with a seed planted in 1974 when another offender and myself in the Elmira Case agreed to meet our victims and repair the harm we had caused.(excerpt)
Your donation helps Prison Fellowship International repair the harm caused by crime by emphasizing accountability, forgiveness, and making amends for prisoners and those affected by their actions. When victims, offenders, and community members meet to decide how to do that, the results are transformational.
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