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A decade of progress: Promising models for children in the Turkish juvenile justice system.

McKinney, Brenda
June 4, 2015

Source: (2013) UCLA Journal of Islamic and Near Eastern Law. 12: 13-53.

Turkey has improved its approach to interacting with children in conflict with the law over the
past decade, moving closer to a system that ensures its children the opportunity to strive for a
better future. This Article focuses on two promising Turkish reforms that hold potential to improve
juvenile justice systems internationally, namely: open model incarceration and Turkey ‘
approach to diversion. This Article demonstrates how a child-centeredjuvenilej ustice system
can improve public safety and outcomes for youth. It also addresses potential challenges to
each model and identifies broader issues that may require reform. (author’s abstract)


AbstractEuropeJuvenileRJ in SchoolsRJ OfficeStatutes and Legislation
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