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Beyond the post-conflict checklist: Linking peacebuilding and transitional justice through the lens of critique.

Sharp, Dustin N.
June 4, 2015

Source: (2014) Chicagor Journal of International Law. 14(1):166-196.

While historicaly seen as being in competition with the demands of peace, transitional
justice is increasingly accepted as an important element of post-conflict peacebuilding. Along
with the demobili.zation and disarmament of ex-combatants, securio sector reform, rule of law
programs, and elections, it has now joined a virtual checklist of initiatives to be carried out in
post-conflict countries. The growing sense of shared space between transitionajlu stice andp ostconflict
peacebuilding initiatives has sparked new interest in sounding out potential connections
between both fields. Although the pursuit of synergies is a worthwhile goal, I argue that in
developing these connections we must also be attentive to mutual shortcomings. Transiional
justice and post-conflict peacebuilding have historically proceeded on separate tracks, yet there
has been a remarkable similariy in the critiques and concerns that have been leveled against
both fields. More integrateda pproaches to peacebuilding and transitionaljusticem ay exacerbate
some of the tendencies that have given rise to these parallel critiques rather than alleviate them.
Seeking synergies through the optics of these historic concerns and critiques could be one
technique of resistance to these tendencies, leading to the development of innovative techniques for
building peace with jusice in conflict’s wake. (author’s abstract)


AbstractPost-Conflict ReconciliationPrisonsRJ and the WorkplaceRJ in SchoolsRJ TheoryStatutes and LegislationTeachers and Students
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