Adopting a restorative approach to young offenders in Hong Kong: a public survey.
by Lee, Francis
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) Contemporary Justice Review. 12(4):469-483. With declining faith in the retributive and rehabilitative models of the criminal justice system, the restorative justice (RJ) model has become increasingly favored. Most countries that practice RJ do so for juvenile offenders, and...
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Narrative and truth: a feminist critique of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
by Kashyap, Rina
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) Contemporary Justice Review. 12(4):449-467. Prior to the establishment of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), ‘gender was seldom explicitly invoked as a lens into human rights abuse or an organizing principle for the commission’s work’...
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Modified restorative circles: a reintegration group planning process that promotes desistance .
by Walker, Lorenn
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) Contemporary Justice Review. 12(4):419-431. This article describes the Modified Circle process and its potential for increasing criminal desistance with the aim of influencing corrections programs to use the process. A Modified Restorative Circle is a group process for an...
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National evaluation of restorative justice youth services in Scotland 2008-2009.
by Viewpoint Organisation
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) The Viewpoint Organisation. Almost all services were able to provide Face-to-Face Meetings (95%), Victim Awareness (95%) and Shuttle Dialogue (90%), which reflects the guidance categories. However, almost half the Restorative Justice processes did not involve any communication...
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Implementing Restorative Justice: A guide for schools.
by Burke, Kimberly
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. This publication is one in a series of guides developed to assist in the statewide implementation of restorative justice. Restorative justice can guide the work of individuals who deal with young offenders, their victims, and the...
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The relationship between levels of perceived respect and bullying in 5th though 12th graders.
by Langdon, Susan W.
June 4, 2015
Source: (2008) Adolescence. 43(171):485-503. There are several avenues of inquiry that seek to understand and ameliorate the problem of bullying in schools, including the strategy of fostering respect. To date, however, there is little empirical literature testing the presumed relationship...
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Reparations and symbolic restitution.
by Meyer, Lukas H
June 4, 2015
Source: (2006) Journal of Social Philosophy. 37(3):406-422. Claims to symbolic restitution and material reparations for historical injustices are based on the moral quality of the deeds of previously living people and the lasting impact of their deeds on the well-being of currently living...
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Restorative approaches to workplace bullying: Educating nurses towards shared responsibility.
by Hutchinson, Marie
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) Contemporary Nurse. 32(1–2): 147–155. This paper summarises what is known about bullying in the nursing workplace and approaches currently employed to address the problem. Synthesising the available evidence it is identifi ed that restorative approaches which seek...
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Restorative Justice as a Key for Healing Communities.
by Thesnaar, Christo
June 4, 2015
Source: (2008) Religion & Theology. 15: 53-73 South Africa is indeed a country of many contrasts, of extreme wealth and extreme poverty. All South Africans were deeply affected by apartheid and this had a huge effect on how communities (including both offenders and victims) on all levels...
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Restorative justice for the Armenians, resolved: It’s the least we can do.
by Kielsgard, Mark D.
June 4, 2015
Source: (2008) Connecticut Journal of International Law. 24:1- 37. This Article will address the issue at the heart of the debate, specifically whether the “restorative justice” interests of the Armenians, namely an acknowledgment of Genocide, outweighs the political, diplomatic,...
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Circles of Support and Accountability: An international partnership in reducing sexual offender recidivism.
by Wilson, Robin J.
June 4, 2015
Source: (2008) Prison Service Journal. 178:26-36. Sexual offenders are unwelcome in virtually every community. The mere thought that such a person might possibly move to one’s community inflames negative public sentiment beyond seemingly every other contemporary social issue. Until...
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Restorative Justice: A Way to Support the Healing Process of a Child Exposed to Incest.
by Spies, G. M.
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) Acta Criminologica. 22(1):15-24. This article highlights the value of restorative justice in minimizing the effects of child sexual abuse and how to apply it to respect the specific needs of the survivor of sexual abuse. As sexual abuse affects the child on a short, as well as...
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Second chances: An examination of juvenile offenders’ experiences with a restorative justice program.
by Maiden, Kristin M.
June 4, 2015
Source: (2009) dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the University of Delaware in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology. Research indicates that restorative justice diversions programs are becoming increasingly more popular and more...
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Sense of Community and Restorative Justice as Models of Support: Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Males who have Offended Sexually.
by McEvoy, Chris
June 4, 2015
Source: (2008) Thesis submitted for Master of Arts in Community Psychology. Wilfrid Laurier University. Sexual abuse is a social phenomenon that adversely affects the lives of the victims, those who have offended and the surrounding community. It is an issue of public health, policy and...
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