Source: (2008) Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Education. Division of Educational Administration Adult and Higher Education Program. The University of South Dakota.
A qualitative case study method was used to examine one elementary Title 1 school’s experiences in implementing a continuous, comprehensive school improvement plan over a five year period from 2003-2008. This is a high needs school with over 80% of the families living in poverty. The researcher conducted 14 on-site interviews including the principal, faculty, and staff from the school to assist in determining the most important school wide improvement strategies from the faculty’s perceptions at the case site. The Assistant Superintendent of Instruction and Human Resources of the case site school district was also interviewed in regards to the school leadership and collaboration at the case site. The researcher also made several site visits, observed different team sessions and collected several cultural documents. The strategies followed in implementing a comprehensive school improvement plan at the case site included: Value Added teacher training and collaboration, implementing the Circle of Courage frame work, the Restorative Justice Center, ELL home liaison, extended school day focused specifically on vocabulary instruction, Bright Future’s Health Literacy Center, school leadership and teams, and professional learning communities. The student achievement gradually improved over the five year process of school wide comprehensive improvement. (author’s abstract)
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