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A Nova Scotia story.

Gorham, Pat
June 4, 2015

Source: (2010) Reflexions past, present and future. Restorative Justice Week 2010. Correctional Services of Canada.

As we celebrate Restorative Justice Week 2010 and the theme of reflection, I am drawn back to 1998, when work on the Nova Scotia Restorative Justice Program (NSRJP) began with a gathering of justice stakeholders, government leaders and interested parties. The philosophy and principles of Restorative Justice (RJ) were explored and a commitment to develop a program for Nova Scotia emerged. So, this way of resolving harm, building citizenship, and caring for victims of crime has been a part of the landscape of the Nova Scotia response to youth crime for quite a stretch. And now, in 2010, we have begun the work anew, developing an adult RJ component to our Program; developing partnerships to support the emerging use of restorative practices in our schools; and considering the potential of restorative approaches to support community development. (excerpt)


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