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A reconciliation project with Ruandese Hutu and Tutsi.

Patfoort, Pat
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) Paper presented at the Eighteenth General IPRA (International Peace Research Association) conference, held at Tampere, Finland, 5-9 August.

According to Pat Patfoort, many Hutu and Tutsi refugees from Rwanda live in Belgium. In the late 1990s, Patfoort and others began working with a group of refugees to assist them in dealing with the enmity and violence the Hutu and Tutsi have experienced. Meeting monthly, the group consisted of a variety of Hutu and Tutsi men and women of all ages and a variety of backgrounds and education. Patfoort describes the theoretical models of conflict resolution at the foundation of this reconciliation project, and the methods used with the refugees to engage in constructive reflection and dialogue among themselves


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