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A Review of the Literature on Reconciliation: What do we understand by ‘Reconciliation’? (Emerging Definitions of Reconciliation in the Context of Transitional Justice)

Oduro, Franklin
June 4, 2015

Source: (2007) Canada: The International Development Research Centre.

There seem to be visible competing understandings of reconciliation in societies undergoing transitional justice experiences. How these societies perceive reconciliation as a development outcome of transitional justice processes is also linked to the meaning of reconciliation. Do different levels or types of reconciliation exist in the context of transitional justice processes? If so, how have they been conceptualized and categorized? This paper examines the literature on reconciliation in the context of transitional justice. In other words, it analyzes how different scholars and practitioners have framed the term in the context of transitional justice goals and processes. The paper seeks to review emerging definitions of reconciliation, consider the various typologies and conclude with a working definition. The ultimate goal for this review is to contribute to the identification and development of potential indicators in monitoring and evaluating reconciliation outcomes in post-conflict states. Transitional justice and reconciliation developments in Africa are the focus of this paper, although relevant literature from elsewhere will be accessed as well. (excerpt)


AbstractAfricaPost-Conflict ReconciliationRJ in Schools
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