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A Summary of the Report on Restorative Justice in the Juvenile Secure Estate

Curry, Devinder
June 4, 2015

Source: Youth Justice Board for England and Wales. Downloaded 27 August 2004.

The research took place over 15 months, from January 2002 to March 2003. It was conducted in order to establish the scope of restorative work being undertaken within the juvenile secure estate: Young Offender Institutions, Local Authority Secure Units1 and Secure Training Centres. The aim was to establish the extent to which restorative justice influences the regimes and programmes in these institutions, and to identify good practice that might be copied elsewhere.
A range of research methods was employed. Questionnaires were sent to all Youth Offending Teams (Yots), secure institutions, and victim support and mediation schemes in England and Wales. This was followed by more qualitative research such as interviews with staff, to examine in greater detail what was being done….
While existing research generally supports the idea that restorative justice can be effective in working with young people in the community, there is only limited (albeit encouraging) evidence of its effectiveness within custodial and other secure settings. (excerpt)


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