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Achievements, issues and problems of introducing RJ into Russia.

Maksudov, Rustem
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) Paper presented at the Third Conference of the European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice, “Restorative Justice in Europe: Where are we heading?”, Budapest, Hungary, 14-16 October. Downloaded 24 May 2005.

The Moscow based Centre for Legal and Judicial Reform is the leading organisation in development of
Restorative Justice across Russia. Since August 2002 they have been working with the Centre for Social Action
and the Community and Criminal Justice Research Centre at DeMontfort University England. Funded by the
British Government Department for International Development the organisations have been working to
institutionalise Restorative Justice in Russia through a joint project, which ends in February 2005. The
workshop will focus on practical examples of the situations that faced the management and staff of the joint project. The presenters will seek to share the lessons learned with reference to: the current position of young offenders in Russia; the approaches developed in partnership working; the activities of the programmes pilot projects; working with the key agencies, courts, offenders and victims; impacts to date; prospects for change and possibilities for the future. (excerpt)


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