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An annotated bibliography of research on forgiveness and related concepts

McCullough, Michael E
June 4, 2015

Source: (1998) In Dimensions of forgiveness: Psychological research & theological forgiveness, ed. Everett L. Worthington, Jr., 193-317. With a preface and an introduction by Everett L. Worthington, Jr. Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press.

Noting that the sciences have largely neglected forgiveness until recently despite its significance in religion, theology, and philosophy, the authors offer this annotated bibliography of the available empirical literature to advance the development of a scientific understanding of forgiveness. In addition to studies on forgiveness, they include relevant studies on revenge, blame, apologies, and confession. The annotations are organized by author, though at the end of the chapter is a list of articles by subject. Annotations include the following information about the research: objective; design; setting; participants; variables; assessment of outcome variables; main results; conclusion; commentary; and contact person for the research.


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