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Blainey revisited: Has peace broken out in the 20th century?

Etherington, Norman
June 4, 2015

Source: (2001) In Thinking peace, making peace, eds. Barry Hindess and Margaret Jolly, 7-20. Occasional Paper Series 1/2001. Collection of papers presented at the Academy of the Social Sciences annual symposium, 5 November 2000. Canberra: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.

Norman Etherington, a professor of history, asserts that peace has broken out in the latter half of the twentieth century, despite eruptions of fighting and killing in many parts of the world. Central to his assertion is this: most of the carnage of war and war-related deaths in the twentieth century occurred between 1900 and 1945. To support this position, he analyzes theories about causes of war, statistics on war and war-related deaths in that century, and geographical and political factors relating to war.


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