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Children (both as victims and offenders) in RJ. (Scotland’s children).

Nicol, Billy
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) Papers presented at the Third Conference of the European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice, ‘Restorative Justice in Europe: Where are we heading?’, Budapest, Hungary, 14-16 October. Downloaded 22 September 2005.

Studies carried out in Scotland (Smith, 2004 and a consultation report in Aberdeen, Simmers and Craik, 2004)
have highlighted the fact that young people who offend have often already been victims of crime themselves. It
was found that often these same young people went on to behave in a ‘delinquent’ manner more often than
those with no ‘victimisation’ experience.
Young people who experienced victimisation reported committing one offence per week. Young
people with no victimisation reported committing one offence in two months
Interestingly and less well reported, some young people who have offended often then become victimized.
This can include harassment from adults as well as from their social circles1.
It was found that the association between bullying others and victimization was as strong as
victimization (of bullying) and offending.
It could therefore be possible that retributive measures to address offending or delinquent behaviour have
similar effect to the trauma of ‘victimisation’ and so it could be argued that they would be likely to cause re offending rather than reduce it.
It was also found that there are serious gaps in service provision for young victims of crime, who often did not
even see themselves as victims.
SACRO work with both victims and young people who are responsible for offending. (excerpt)


AbstractEuropeRJ in SchoolsStatutes and Legislation
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