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Comments on: Andrei Marmor, “Entitlement to Land and the Right of Return: An Embarrassing Challenge for Liberal Zionism”

Gans, Chaim
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) In, Lukas H. Meyer, ed., Justice in Time: Responding to Historical Injustice. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. Pp. 335-338.

In his chapter on entitlement to land in this book, Andrei Marmor accused Liberal Zionism of inconsistencies regarding claims to territories connected with the 1947 Partition Plan and territories connected with the 1967 war. Gans takes issue with Marmor’s characterizations of the positions of “liberal Zionism.�? Gans examines the situations in 1947 and in 1967 with respect to claims of the state of Israel and Palestinian claims. Moreover, Gans morally faults Marmor’s use of the term “preserving the Jewish character of the state�? in evaluating claims of entitlement to lands and the right of return for Palestinians.


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