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Conclusion and recommendations.

Maepa, Traggy
June 4, 2015

Source: (2005) In Traggy Maepa, ed., Beyond Retribution: Prospects for Restorative Justice in South Africa. Monograph no. 111, February. Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, with the Restorative Justice Centre. Downloaded 9 August 2005.

In the conclusion to their collection of articles examining restorative justice in South Africa, Maepa and Batley take a close look at the information collected in the monograph and what it represents for the future of restorative justice nationwide. Based on their analysis, the authors/editors provide recommendations to maximize the use of restorative justice in the system. Among the categories examined are crime prevention, early intervention, pre-sentencing application, sentencing application, post-sentencing application, and cost reduction strategies. The recommendations outline not only the defects in the system but provide an insight into how the restorative justice principles could be brought to the forefront of the dialogue on alternative sentencing by identifying specific role players and the actions each needed by each to achieve the total implementation of restorative justice into the South African system. Abstract courtesy of the Marquette Law School Restorative Justice Initiative


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