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Conflict management & conflict resolution in corrections

Christian, Thomas F.
June 4, 2015

Source: (1999) Foreword by James A. Gondles, Jr. Lanham, MD: American Correctional Association.

In this small book, Thomas F. Christian presents an explanation of how to handle conflict in correctional settings with positive results for all disputants. Conflict is pervasive in corrections; the question is how people deal with conflict. Christian maintains that inmates and staff can and should learn to approach conflict in ways that improve a person’s ability to face conflict constructively and help build a workable and livable corrections community. On this basis, he explores the following subjects: an introduction to conflict; techniques and tools for conflict management in corrections; cooperation and collaboration as key ingredients; the correctional staff and conflict; the correctional client and conflict; community-based correctional programs; mediation, victim-offender mediation, and conflict resolution in corrections; and restorative justice and conflict resolution in corrections.


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