Source: (2002) United Nationas Programme Network Institutes. Technical Assistance Workshop. Vienna Austria. April 17.
The United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice provides technical assistance to member states on issues relevant to crime prevention and criminal justice. One way it does this is through a network consisting of itself, interregional and regional institutes, and specialized centers around the world. The Programme Network Institutes offer practical workshops and events in support of the mandate to provide technical assistance. On 17 April 2002 the Programme Network Institutes conducted a workshop on lessons learned about community involvement and restorative justice in relation to criminal justice reform. Brian Tkachuk reports on the workshop in this paper. Workshop presentations and discussion included topics such as restorative justice in Canada, juvenile justice reform and restorative justice in Latin America, community involvement and crime prevention in Japan and Africa, best practices on restorative justice, crime in Islamic Sharia, and crime prevention and policing.
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