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Developing Evaluation Protocols for the Mediation-Reparation Programme in Catalonia (Spain)

Herbera, Merce Llenas
June 4, 2015

Source: (2008) Report of the fifth conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, Building restorative justice in Europe: cooperation between the public, policy makers, practitioners and researchers, Verona.

Since 1998, The Justice Department of Autonomous Government of Catalonia has developed the Mediation-Reparation Programme in the adults’ jurisdiction. During this time the number of applications to start up a mediation process has increased from 10 requirements in 1998 to 793 requirements in 2007. That means that judges and lawyers have been increasingly considering the use of mediation in criminal matters and its benefits… As mentioned earlier, there is not an explicit legal base for restorative justice practices with adults in Spain. As will be described below, different legal entry doors which can be used to recognise a positive legal effect to the outcome of a mediation process, have been identified in each stage of the criminal procedure (pre-trial, trial and execution of the sentence). As a consequence there is a priori no legal prohibition for the Mediation-Repartion Programme to deal with any criminal offence. (excerpt)


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