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Dignity in Schools Campaign releasing national resolution for ending school pushout

December 3, 2009

The resolution points to a range of factors, including excessive suspensions, expulsions, and school arrests, which contribute to the “pushout” crisis in our schools. Our current disciplinary rates are the highest in the nation’s history and have more than doubled over the past three decades. Historically disenfranchised youth, including students of color, students with disabilities and students in poor communities, are impacted the most by these policies.  

Over the next week, signatories to the resolution will raise awareness in their schools and communities by presenting it to their school boards, state legislators and federal policy-makers and disseminating it at local events, on radio programs and at community meetings. The resolution is being released as states submit applications for Race to the Top Funds made available under the federal stimulus package. Federal Department of Education guidelines recommend that states and districts use these funds to promote positive school climates and discipline.

The Dignity in Schools Campaign is a coalition of advocates, organizers, youth, parents and educators united to call for human rights solutions to school pushout.

We encourage you to pass along this email to colleagues, post it to your website, listserve or blog, and write your legislators and school boards.

Download resolution and list of signatories here.

Visit the Dignity in Schools Campaign website here.

See the itinerary of planned actions here.


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