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Driver, after a terrible wrong, plans to work to make amends

September 14, 2009

Jack Alvord booked himself into a 30-day residential treatment
center. He pushed his insurance company to settle with his victim for
$1.25 million. Once he is out of prison, he has agreed to sit beside
the man, Norman Larkin, and tell other drunken drivers what happened
when he made the terrible decision to drink and drive.

Ron Greenen, an attorney representing Larkin’s interests, said in
his 34 years of practice he had never before seen a defendant take the
initiative to visit his victim outside court and apologize.

Larkin says he considers Alvord “a new friend.” That’s not to
downplay the injuries Larkin, 51, suffered Feb. 7 as he stood on the
sidewalk near Northeast 57th Avenue and Sandy Boulevard, his white cane
in hand.

Alvord’s car leapt onto the sidewalk and pinned Larkin against a
utility pole. As Alvord attempted to drive away, witnesses said he
struck Larkin again, then once again. Fourteen people saw the
broad-daylight incident, and some followed Alvord, 61, as he drove
away. They boxed him in less than a mile later.

Alvord had a blood-alcohol level of 0.30 percent, approaching four times the legal limit for driving.

Read the whole article.


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