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Engaging the Community in Offender Reentry

Young, Douglas
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) Reentry Partnership Initiatives (RPI) series. College Park, MD: Bureau of Governmental Research, University of Maryland, College Park. Downloaded 5 May 2004.

Reentry initiatives have created roles for boards or panels that include citizen representatives, or for individuals — family members, guardians, community advocates — who serve on teams that help manage the process of transition from prison to community reintegration. This paper describes the efforts of the [Office of Justice Programs] OJP-supported Reentry Partnership Initiatives (RPIs) to establish a collaborative role for communities. Lessons learned in designing and implementing the community base of the RPIs, observed in our national, [National Institute of Justice] NIJ-sponsored process evaluation of these eight programs, are interwoven in the discussion. As background, we first consider how reentry partnerships fit within the evolving landscape of community justice. We also discuss why it is important to involve the community and who comprises or represents the community in the context of offender reentry. (excerpt)


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