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Evaluating the neighbourhood justice cenre in Yarra.

June 4, 2015

Source: (2010) Melbourne, Victoria: Victorian Department of Justice.

The NJC is located in a purpose-built site in the
suburb of Collingwood, within the City of Yarra.
The Centre offers a range of justice and social
services including:
• Magistrates’ Court of Victoria with jurisdiction
to hear criminal offences, Children’s Court
matters, and minor civil matters involving
residents of the City of Yarra.
• Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
(VCAT) dealing with residential tenancy and
guardianship matters and a range of other
civil disputes.
• Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal.
• Client Services team that provides assessment,
treatment and referral services to persons
referred through the Centre’s justice processes
as well as self referrals by residents of the City
of Yarra. (excerpt)


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