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Experiencing the Justice of God in the Liturgy

Calivas, Alkiviadis C.
June 4, 2015

Source: (2007) In Emmanuel Clapsis, ed., Violence and Christian Spirituality An Ecumenical Conversation. Geneva, Switzerland: World Council of Churches. Pp. 286-298.

“…I will limit my brief remarks to the justice of God in the liturgy, a justice that is restorative and reconstructive – the saving action of God that creates peace by making things right. God’s redemptive and transformative justice is at the heart of the Gospel and therefore at the heart of the liturgy inasmuch as the liturgy is the doxological expression of the Gospel. But before we speak of God’s justice in the liturgy, let me say a word about the biblical sense of justice because it permeates the liturgy and then add some introductory remarks about the liturgy, as Orthodox Christians understand, keep and celebrate it.” (abstract)


AbstractBiblical Perspectives
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