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Family group conferencing: A pilot project within the juvenile court system in Louisville, Kentucky.

Hanley Duncan, Susan
June 4, 2015

Source: (2013) The Prevention Researcher. 20(1):11-14.

The following article will: 1) define family group conferencing and provide evidence that supports its effectiveness; 2)discuss the step-by-step process of implementing and sustaining the Restorative Justice Louisville pilot project; 3) provide data from the 73 cases referred to the pilot project; and 4) discuss overcoming barriers and other lessons learned from the implementation of RJ practices in the juvneile system in Louisville, Kentucky. This in-depth review will assist lawyers, judges, and community stakeholders in other jurisdictions who are attempting to implement RJ practices with young offenders. (excerpt)


Evaluation/StudyJuvenilePoliceTeachers and Students
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