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Family survivors of homicide meet the offenders: A case study of the experience, key issues and intervention process

Coates, Robert B
June 4, 2015

Source: (2001) Homicide Studies.

This article presents two case studies that represent the first examination of any capital murder cases involving a victim offender mediation/dialogue session between a surviving family member and the death row inmate facing execution shortly after the mediation session. The 5 participants (3 surviving family members and 2 offenders) in these ground-breaking death row mediation/dialogue sessions stated that this intervention had a powerful impact on their lives; all had been moved beyond their expectations, all were relieved, all reported significant progress on their healing journeys, and all were grateful for the opportunity. Furthermore, all 5 persons pointed to the same set of components
to account for their response. The authors suggest that practitioners and policy
makers should give serious consideration to cautiously expanding opportunities for such restorative encounters that are initiated and requested by victims and surviving family members of severely violent crime. (authors’ abstract)


AbstractCourtsHomicidePolicePolicyRJ OfficeStatutes and LegislationSystemTeachers and Students
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