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From conflict resolution to reconciliation.

Bar-Siman-Tov, Yaacov.
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) New York: Oxford University Press.

This book on reconciliation grew out of a multidisciplinary project started at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and its contributors reflect its broad scope. The various authors explore facets of the concept of reconciliation beyond mere resolution of conflict, generally taking a grassroots approach. The identify problems related to reconciliation in social science and the study of international relations and peace processes. Some chapters deal with the use of the term, the nature of reconciliation variously defined as process or outcome or both, and the relationship between concepts of reconciliation and social peace and stability. Other chapters discuss reconciliation in action, with views on social-psychological identity change and cognitive change mechanisms, the role of leadership, and examples of failed or flawed conciliation. Some chapters focus on often discussed or disputed components such as forgiveness, apology, and ritual in theory and practice.


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