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Good Corrections

Ingstrup, Ole
June 4, 2015

Source: (2001) In Victim policies and criminal justice on the road to restorative justice: Essays in honour of Tony Peters, ed. E. Fattah and S. Parmentier, 239-251. With an introduction by E. Fattah and S. Parmentier. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.

In this essay Ole Ingstrup seeks to outline what good correctional systems – including community based sanctions, probation, incarceration, and conditional release – ought to look like in what he considers to be a civilized and dignified society. His purpose is to generate dialogue among politicians and criminal justice practitioners about corrections, dialogue with results that contribute to the overall quality of life in society. This dialogue would take place in the context of corrections systems plagued by contradictory objectives – the institution of longer, harsher punishments while simultaneously pursuing the transformation of offenders into law-abiding citizens. With all of this in mind, Ingstrup proposes a framework for “good correctionsâ€? in terms of the following ideas: the aim of corrections; the character of corrections; and the execution or implementation of aim and character into actions leading to results that fit and advance the mission.


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