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Harmony and healing: Broken wings take new flight. Restorative Justice Week 2000: Spiritual resource kit.

Correctional Service of Canada, Isidoro Blanco
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) Ottawa: Correctional Service Canada.

As part of a set of materials on restorative justice, developed in connection with a worldwide observation of Restorative Justice Week, the Correctional Service Canada provides this resource kit. It is a tool for people who want to explore spiritual foundations for restorative justice. The first section of the booklet deals with relevant ideas and principles from the perspective of a general spirituality: the “ten commandments of restorative justiceâ€? by Howard Zehr; forgiveness; inspirational reflections from various sources; and resources for further exploration. Subsequent sections focus on particular spiritual perspectives: aboriginal; Christian; Jewish; Muslim; Sikh; and Buddhist.


AbstractLiving Restoratively
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