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I thought we’d never speak again: The road from estrangement to reconciliation.

Davis, Laura
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

In this book Laura Davis examines principles and dynamics of reconciliation in instances of hurt and estrangement. Many relationships that may suffer estrangement are discussed in the book – for example, friendships, parents and children siblings, enemies in war, people of different ethnicities, and crime victims and offenders. Davis identifies causes and feelings of estrangement, and explores personal qualities and relational processes that can foster what she calls the “reconciliation continuum.â€? Topics such as personal responsibility, forgiveness, accountability, pride, apologizing, compassion, and love are explored in personal, concrete ways. Interspersed throughout the book are stories from actual people about their experiences of estrangement and the struggle for reconciliation.


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