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Ideals meet reality: Research results on youth justice conferences in South Australia.

Daly, Kathleen
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference of the International Network for Research on Restorative Justice for Juveniles. Tübingen, Germany, 1-4 October.

Noting the optimistic views held by many with respect to the potential of restorative justice, Daly emphasizes the need for careful research to assess actual practices in relation to ideals. In this context, her paper presents findings from the South Australia Juvenile Justice (SAJJ) research on youth justice conferences in South Australia. The SAJJ research methodology is sketched as a preliminary to summaries of key findings in the following areas: procedural justice and restorative justice; questions about repairing harm; issues relating to the quality and significance of conferences; victims’ experiences of conferences; and the effects of conferences on re-offending.


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