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In the toolkit of a peace worker: Ubuntu, simunye na umoja

Kut, George
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) In Peace Office Newsletter 32 (January-March), The African Peacebuilding Institute: 5. Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee.

George Kut is area coordinator for the Community Peacebuilding and Development Project of the National Council of Churches of Kenya. A participant in the African Peacebuilding Institute, he also writes poetry. This is a poem he wrote about peace-building out of his studies and experiences. “Ubuntu,�? “simunye,�? and “umoja�? mean “humanity�? in three different African languages, while “na�? means “and.�? In the poem he traces colonialism in Africa and subsequent struggles to throw off colonialism and achieve independence. The final sections of the poem celebrate tools for nonviolent, peace-building processes to pursue conflict resolution and independence.


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