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Initiative of the Kingdom of Belgium with a view to the adoption of a Council Decision setting up a European network of national contact points for restorative justice

Kingdom of Belgium, Seumas
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) 2002/C 242/09. Official Journal of the European Communities. C242/20. 8 October. Downloaded 29 April 2005.

A European network of national contact points for
restorative justice (hereinafter referred to as ‘the network’), is
hereby set up. Network national representatives shall ensure the proper
functioning of the network in accordance with this Decision. For the purpose of this Decision, restorative justice refers to a
comprehensive view of the criminal justice process, in which
the needs of the victim are prioritised and offender accountability
is emphasised in a positive manner and covers a body of
ideas that is relevant to various forms of sanctioning and
conflict handling in the successive stages of or in connection
withth e criminal justice process. The network shall contribute to developing, supporting and
promoting the various aspects of restorative justice within
the Member States as well as at the European Union level.
For this objective, legislative and logistic support to criminal
justice authorities is an important instrument. (excerpt)


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