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“Interim Report: Client Evaluation of the Victim/Offender Conferencing Program in Washington County (MN).”

Umbreit, Mark S
June 4, 2015

Source: (1997) St. Paul, Minnesota: Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking, University of Minnesota.

In 1995 a Victim/Offender Conferencing Program in Washington County, Minnesota. It is a restorative justice program that is part of the Community Justice Project of the Washington County Court Services. It provides an opportunity for crime victims to meet with offenders in the presence of a trained mediator. This interim report presents research findings about client perceptions of the program. For research purposes, the study examined victims and offenders who participated in the conferencing program, and victims and offenders who were offered the program but who chose not to participate. The study indicated high satisfaction among those who participated in conferencing.


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