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Irkutsk: Breaking the Ice of Distrust

Shakina, Victoria
June 4, 2015

Source: Moscow: Public Centre for Legal and Judicial Reform. Downloaded 10 October 2002.

Victoria Shakina is director of the Baikal Centre for Judicial Reforms in Irkutsk in Russia. She is also a trained facilitator or mediator. Beginning in April 2000, the Baikal Regional Woman’s Union “Angara” joined the work under Partnership for Restorative Justice in Russia. Hence, in cooperation with the Public Centre for Legal and Judicial Reform, restorative justice methods are now being introduced to Irkutsk. Shakina recounts the development of this initiative in Irkutsk, and she identifies particular activities undertaken by the Irkutsk group. A story at the end provides an illustration of victim-offender reconciliation taken from one of their actual cases.


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