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Justiça transicional na África do Sul : restaurando o passado, construindo o futuro.

June 4, 2015

Source: (2007) Contexto internacional 29(2): 393-421.

The democratic transition in South Africa was painful but peaceful. After
years of state violent oppression in a society remarkably divided between
blacks and whites, the transitional process allowed the emergence of a
democratic society, taking the road of psychological restoration and
social reconciliation. One of the most important elements of the success
of that process was the choice of restorative justice as the way to deal
with the crimes committed during the past regime. Because of the Truth
and Reconciliation Commission, South Africa refused a punitive model
but guaranteed criminal responsibility and investigation of the facts.


AbstractCourtsPost-Conflict ReconciliationRJ in SchoolsStatutes and Legislation
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