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Juvenile Crime and Justice in England and Wales

Graham, John
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) In, Nicholas Bala, et. al., eds. Juvenile Justice Systems: An International Comparison of Problems and Solutions. Pp. 67-105.

John Graham observes that the juvenile justice system in England and Wales has recently undergone a radical overhaul. Events that led up to this included the change of government in May 1997 and the publication of two highly significant reports from the Home Office. Those reports affected policies on diversion of juvenile offenders, early intervention in juvenile offending, and prevention of juvenile offending. In light of all of this, Graham provides an account of recent developments in juvenile justice in England and Wales, including a discussion of the new discourse on juvenile justice. After a demographic profile of England and Wales, he looks at social policy issues related to children and young people, trends in offending behavior by juveniles, and specifics of the juvenile justice system in England and Wales.


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